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The Hastings Teachers Association participates in and sponsors various activities within the Hastings-on-Hudson community.  Our association has always made a strong effort to give back to the community in which we serve. The HTA recognizes the partnership that exists between our association and Hastings-on-Hudson. The HTA has been awarded the NYSUT Community Service Award.  This award recognizes our local's collective and sustained contribution to community service during the 2012 calendar year.  Dick Iannuzzi, President of NYSUT, applauded and commended the HTA's efforts that "enrich the lives of the Hasting's community."  We look forward to a continued positive and productive relationship.


HTA Running Team

The Terry Ryan Memorial Run is held each year to commemorate the untimely death of Hastings-on-Hudson village resident Terry Ryan, a volunteer firefighter.  The HTA sponsors a running team to support this event. 


Hastings teachers Stacey Gitelmen, Neal Rosengren, Erica Williams and Chris Keogh won medals in their respective age brackets. 


The HTA sponsors a bowling team that participates in the NYSUT Bowling Extravaganza.  This year, the HTA helped to raise over $7000 for Project SHARE: A Thanksgiving Dinner For The Homeless.  This year, Project SHARE served over 600 meals to homeless men, women and children from around Westchester.

What our bowling team lacks in skill, we make up for in enthusiasm and pride!  This year's high rollers were Thom Stanley and Joe Vaccarro.

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

The New York State United Teachers is a proud sponsor of The American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk.  Each step we take is personal. And each donation is helping to save lives.  A world with less breast cancer is a world with more birthdays. The HTA Making Strides team is committed to share their passion to raise funds to help save lives from breast cancer.  Last year Making Strides events raised more than $60 million to help people stay well, get well, find cures, and fight back against breast cancer - you can donate at this link.  The HTA remains committed to go above and beyond in our efforts to create a world with less breast cancer!

Hastings Canned Food Drive

The Hastings-on-Hudson Youth and Family Advocate supports a food pantry that supplies food to twenty-five needy families in and around Hastings.  The HTA coordinates an annual canned food drive.  Coinciding with a larger, state-wide food drive sponsored by NYSUT, we collect food and household items to support the Hastings Food Pantry.  This past year, the HTA collected over two car-loads of food.

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Hastings Teachers Association is an award-winning union of caring and dedicated professionals serving the educational needs and interests of our community.  Founded in 1927, the HTA remains proud of the quality and excellence that is associated with our school district. 




Hastings Teachers Association

120 Lefurgy Avenue

Hastings-on-Hudson, New York  10706




Please feel free to reach out to us with any question or comments.  We look forward to hearing from you.

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